Asset TV, Coffee Time, GeekWire, and Latin America’s Largest Newspaper Feature Broadcast Journalism Grads

March 19, 2018
Want to get a top job in Washington, DC? The secret is to get interviewed by New York Film Academy (NYFA) Broadcast Journalism grad Gillian Kemmerer … OK, maybe that’s not the way. But it seems to have worked for President Trump’s new economic advisor.

Gillian is anchor as well as head of programming at Asset TV, which is out to become the “go-to” source for business and financial news. Plus, she even got a mention last week in an item by legendary New York Post gossip columnist Cindy Adams. I think that is a first for NYFA!

Meanwhile, there is more great news from Brazil…

Paula Varejao’s wonderful series Tá na Hora do Café (Coffee Time) is back for a second season on Globo’s satellite channel. Paula has traveled around the world looking at the culture and traditions that surround this most beloved of breakfast beverages. She wrote, via Facebook:
“É hoje a estreia da segunda temporada do Tá na Hora do Café, dessa vez pelo mundo! Às 22h30 no Mais Globosat (canal 544 da Net). Olha um pouco do que vem por aí!”

(Today is the premiere of the second season of Tá na Hora do Café, this time around the world! At 22:30 pm on the globosat (Channel 544 of the net). Take a look at what’s coming!)
Staying in Brazil … OK, Brasil … Last week I heard by email from recent NYFA grad Isabella Faria.
A lot of things happened in the last few months so I’ll try to sum everything up! When I was finishing the workshop in NYC, a job came up. The description was simple: “You will shoot some stories and edit videos for the biggest newspaper in Latin America, Folha de S.Paulo.” I said: “Why not? It is exactly what I have been doing for the past two months.” I applied and, one week later, I was back in Brazil talking to my future co-workers … I’m really happy and thankful for the job and for the workshop. Thanks to NYFA, I am at the biggest newspaper in Latin America.

Here is one of her stories, about the high price of public transportation in São Paulo. Isabella edited it herself! As she did this story about the 50th birthday of the most famous dance company in São Paulo.

See, newspapers aren’t just newspapers anymore…

Finally, I heard via Facebook from Summer Session grad Starla Sampaco. Who, among her many talents, “speaks” emoji…

“Hi friends! Very excited to announce that I’ve accepted an offer to host and produce videos for GeekWire. Check out the pilot episode of GeekWire’s new online show, TLDR.
It’s a quick daily rundown on all things tech
.” ???