NYFA Respiratory Illness Protocols and Guidance

NYFA Respiratory Illness Protocols and Guidance

The NYFA Respiratory Illness Protocols noted below are reviewed and revised regularly to align with current guidance from the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), the American College Health Association (ACHA), and state and local public health departments. 



Getting immunized is a core protective strategy for minimizing the health risks associated with respiratory viruses.   NYFA strongly encourages students and employees to  stay up-to-date with COVID-19 vaccinations and to get vaccinated annually against influenza (flu).  NYFA students and employees are advised to consult  Immunizations for Respiratory Viruses Prevention for guidance.  

To access a vaccine, visit https://www.vaccines.gov.

Feeling Sick?

NYFA community members who are experiencing symptoms and/or tested positive for COVID-19 are strongly encouraged to follow the CDC Respiratory Virus Guidance.

NYFA strongly advises all NYFA community members to stay home when they are sick for at least 24 hours.  Students/employees may return to school/work once they have been fever-free for 24 hours, without the use of fever-reducing medication, AND when their symptoms are significantly improved.  

NYFA students and employees who enter campus when recovering from respiratory viruses are strongly encouraged to take precautions to minimize the spread of illness to others, as recommended by the CDC.

Exposed to COVID-19?

Students and employees identified as exposed to a COVID-19 positive individual (regardless of whether the exposure occurred at home, on campus, or elsewhere) are encouraged to monitor their symptoms, get tested on Day SIX, (Day ZERO is the last day of exposure to the infected person) and wear a well-fitted N95/KN95 mask until Day ELEVEN (Day ZERO is the last day of exposure to the infected person).


NYFA supports anyone who wishes to wear a mask at any time, in any environment, and for any reason.  

The CDC recommends that individuals who test positive for COVID-19 wear N95 or KN95 masks, or masks of comparable quality, for five (5) days following the day of symptom onset (or if they were asymptomatic, five (5) days following the day they tested positive).  NYFA hence requires community members who tested positive for COVID-19 and are attending classes or NYFA-related activities, indoors and outdoors, to wear well-fitted, high quality masks during their infectious period.  

Masking is strongly encouraged for all NYFA community members who have symptoms of respiratory illness and are attending classes and NYFA activities.


NYFA strongly encourages students/employees who are feeling sick to test for COVID-19 and to follow CDC Testing Guidance.

Disinfection and Ventilation

Classrooms and bathrooms are disinfected regularly. Hand sanitizer is available on all floors. NYFA facilities are ventilated using the best fan/filtration systems needed to reduce risk of virus spread in indoor environments.

Monitoring and Preventing Virus Spread

NYFA students and employees are personally responsible for honoring the NYFA Respiratory Illness Protocol and protecting themselves and others from getting sick.  NYFA encourages all to observe the CDC’s recommendations for Personal Hygiene and, if testing positive for COVID-19, to notify their close contacts of exposure to COVID-19.