NBC Diversity Initiative Discusses Entertainment Careers for NYFA Students

May 15, 2017

On Tuesday, May 2 the Director of Entertainment Diversity for NBC Entertainment presented several diversity initiatives to students at the Los Angeles campus of the New York Film Academy.

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Grace Borrero Moss brought information on many of NBC’s diversity initiatives, more commonly known as the Talent Infusion Programs (TIPS) including Writers on the Verge, Emerging Directors Program, Late Night Writers Workshop, and the Director Shadowing Project. Student filled the Riverside Theater to hear about opportunities available to them.

Moss stressed that no one is left out of the Diversity Initiative at NBC. Many recent award recipients have been straight, white, and male, so no one should hesitate to apply. At the end of her presentation, Moss encouraged students to apply to the Short Cuts Film Festival. Any short shot within the last two years is eligible for application.

NBC Diversity

Moss stayed after the presentation for a light brunch with students. She spoke one on one with students for over an hour to discuss what kinds of materials to submit, which programs offer financial compensation, and how to put the best foot forward.

Student Alison Cooper was ecstatic to hear about the opportunities for women. “You always hear about how hard it is for women to break into the industry,” she said. “It’s nice to know there are programs out there looking out for the next generation of women.”

The New York Film Academy would like to thank Grace Moss and NBC for sharing these wonderful opportunities with our students.