Is Social Media Success the New Way to Get an Acting Gig?

January 28, 2017


Actors, like everyone else, have found their lives and careers changed by social media. Few could have predicted the impact social media would have on the world. Whether it’s to stay in touch with friends and family or read up on the latest news, the average person uses one or more social media pages each day. But who could have imagined that social media might influence how you pursue acting jobs?

If you’re reading this, you’re probably an aspiring actor. You’re probably eager to use all the tools available to you in the pursuit of professional work. And you’re probably wondering if the power of social media can help you build recognition or bankability in an industry full of actors and actresses competing for the same roles. The short answer is: it depends.

The role that social media plays in a professional actors career is complex. When used carefully and well, social media can certainly help connect you to your network, to potential audiences, to opportunities. But like every tool in a professional actor’s toolkit, social media comes with no guarantees save one: social media alone will not book you work as an actor. However, used wisely, social media can become a very powerful tool for an actor indeed.

Having A Professional Online Presence Doesn’t Hurt…


You may have noticed that just about every actor who is serious about their career owns a social media page on the major platforms: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. Since the internet can be accessed by anyone at any time, having a page where people can see your bio, major credits, and relevant experience, is a must-have. Many casting directors and agents will give young actors in workshops the advice to invest in a high quality website, and to spend time cultivating a real social media presence and following, so that potential collaborators can “get to know you.” It’s an opportunity to create and showcase your personal brand. And it’s important to be mindful about how you do this.

You’ll notice that actors who use social media wisely have more than words on their pages. After all, acting is one of the most visual and physical arts of all! That’s why you’ll also find short videos, photos, and other media that demonstrates an actor’s abilities. Of course, the question still on your mind is if doing all this actually helps develop an acting career in a significant way.

The answer? Perhaps no.

…But It Won’t Get You There Alone.


The fact is, you shouldn’t expect your acting career to skyrocket just based on our social media presence alone. Sure, there have been instances where a famous YouTube personality was given the chance to act in an actual film, or where an unknown actors personal social media followings helped encourage a casting director to take a risk and give them a chance.

But rarely will a top agent use social media alone to find their next client. A casting director may check out your stuff online, but most likely only after you’ve already won consideration or established a promising connection.

To reiterate, contracts and starring roles are hardly ever cast through communication done via social media. And word to the wise: the last thing you want to do is pester anyone about an acting gig online by sending numerous tweets and emails, especially if they’re someone you’ve never met in person.

Social Media Pages: Still A Must-Have In Our Industry


Just because social media isn’t necessarily going to lead directly to an acting gig, again, it is an important tool in your toolkit. Social media can have great purpose and effect in the hands of a savvy professional actor. Treat your pages like a resume, tailor your online presence to reflect the type of professional image you’d like to project both to those you know, and those you don’t know. Social media is one of many tools you can use to pursue for a specific role, but again, nothing is ever guaranteed. And it is important to remember that your professional online presence is visible to everyone.

In the end, social media sites are best used to stay in touch with people you’ve worked with. Developing relationships with others, including other actors, can increase your chance of finding out about a new opportunity. Be wise, be genuine, and good luck.

Actors, what are your social media tips for each other? Do you have any success stories about how your social media presence has served your acting pursuits in a positive way? Let us know in the comments below!