3-Week Online Film Camp for Teens

Learn to Make a Short Film at NYFA

During the 3-Week Online Film Camp, students write, direct, shoot and edit their own creative content using mobile devices and digital editing software. The camp is structured around the production of two short film exercises of increasing complexity, and days are spent in the virtual classroom and on their own home set. Through a series of online intensive classes on production, editing, writing, cinematography, and directing, students get a thorough introduction to the various creative and technical demands of filmmaking.

Students have each one of their films screened and critiqued online with their lead faculty member. No experience is required to attend.

Program Description

Camp Name: 3-Week Filmmaking Camp for Teens

Class Descriptions

Director’s Craft – Students are taught the language of cinema and how a director effectively communicates a story to their audience. Focused on aspects of visual storytelling, continuity-style scene coverage and creating point of view in a scene this class also teaches the proper way a director prepares in advance of physical production. Including in the Director’s Craft class are the Pre-production meetings, a time for the students to pitch their story and go over their production plan and the art of directing actors.

Screenwriting – These classes teach basic screenwriting structure, and work to build a fundamental understanding of story including creating fully realized and relatable characters. Students work to formulate their film ideas in these sessions.

Cinematography – These classes introduce the students to the fundamentals of cinematography and camera operation as applied to shooting with a mobile device. This class will also explain the manual camera settings available via the FiLMiC Pro mobile application. Included in the Cinematography classes is a demonstration based session on the fundamentals of film lighting.

Editing – Students learn how to import their digital footage into the Adobe Premiere editing platform. Creating a timeline, inserting and splicing footage, creating special digital effects like transitions, basic sound design and project exporting are the main skills taught.

Screen & Critique – This class is designed to help the students dissect their and their classmates exercises while identifying what directorial choices were effective and why.

To learn more about NYFA’s teen camps, visit the NYFA Camp Brochure.

3-Week Online Filmmaking Summer Camp for Teens I

Location Program Start Date and End Date Tuition

July 21, 2025 – August 8, 2025

Tuition:$ 2,025

Program Duration: 3-Week