1 & 2 Year Certificate Creative Portfolio Requirements

Portfolio Requirements By Program

Applicants will demonstrate their aptitude and potential for creative work through the submission of a creative portfolio. The required materials of the portfolio will be based on the discipline, and may include writing or visual samples. These submissions must include an accompanying description contextualizing the nature and purpose of the project. During the application process, students will work with their admissions counselor for guidance on acceptable formats. All creative portfolio materials must be submitted digitally. Portfolio materials will not be returned. Please review the requirements for each program below.

3D Animation & VFX Portfolio

Portfolios may consist of 3-5 works, including drawings, paintings, cartoons, comics, conceptual illustrations, graphic renderings, digital images, slides of 3-D models, sculptures, or other visual designs which display the applicant’s creative abilities.

Acting for Film Portfolio

Prospective 1 & 2-Year Acting for Film students must include a selection of filmed monologues that show the breadth and depth of the actor’s abilities. The two contrasting audition pieces must be one dramatic monologue and one comedic monologue that are approximately 60-90 seconds in length each. The monologue requirements should include two contemporary (published after 1960) monologues.

Broadcast Journalism Portfolio

Students applying for a certificate in Broadcast Journalism, students should include a writing sample or a visual sample. Prospective students can select from the options for each below.

Writing Sample (choose from below)

  • Academic Paper: An academic paper or report (5-10 pages). Material written for English, History, Political Science, Communications, Media and Journalism classes preferred
  • Original Work: One or more print, broadcast, cable or digital stories that the applicant has written (3-6 pages for each story submitted)

Visual Sample (choose from below)

  • Photos: Photos (3-10 examples) or mixed media arts, with an accompanying written explanation of the submission
  • Short Videos: One or more videos or films that the applicant played a primary role in creating (3-10 minutes running time). Applicants must specify the role(s) (reporter, producer, camera operator, editor, etc.) played in the production
  • Social Media Campaigns: 3-10 examples of original content created and shared on social media witan accompanying written explanation of the submission (screenshots)

Cinematography Portfolio

Students applying for a certificate in Cinematography can choose to submit a writing sample or a visual sample. Prospective students can select from the options for each below.

Writing Sample (choose from below)

  • Excerpt: Excerpt from an original screenplay or prose fiction piece (5-10 pages)
  • Original Work: Original short story, article or critical studies essay examining a literary or cinematic work (play, screenplay, television series, film, etc.) (3-7 pages)
  • Treatment or Outline: Treatment or outline of a film, webisode or television series concept (3-7 pages)

Visual Sample (choose from below)

  • Visual Series: Any visual or studio art, including, but not limited to: paintings, drawings, sculptures, set designs, mixed media arts, photographs (3-10 pieces), with an accompanying description contextualizing the submission
  • Short Film: Live-action or animated fiction or non-fiction film/video (3-10 minutes in length). Applicants must describe what part they had in creating the project

Documentary Filmmaking Portfolio

Students applying for a certificate in Documentary Filmmaking can choose to submit a writing sample or a visual sample. Prospective students can select from the options for each below.

Writing Sample (choose from below)

  • Excerpt: Excerpt from an original screenplay or prose fiction piece (5-10 pages)
  • Original Work: Original short story, article or critical studies essay examining a literary or cinematic work (play, screenplay, television series, film, etc.) (3-7 pages)
  • Treatment or Outline: Treatment or outline of a film, webisode or television series concept (3-7 pages)

Visual Sample (choose from below)

  • Visual Series: Any visual or studio art, including, but not limited to: paintings, drawings, sculptures, set designs, mixed media arts, photographs (3-10 pieces), with an accompanying description contextualizing the submission
  • Short Film: Live-action or animated fiction or non-fiction film/video (3-10 minutes in length). Applicants must describe what part they had in creating the project

Filmmaking Portfolio

Students applying for a certificate in Filmmaking can choose to submit a writing sample or a visual sample. Prospective students can select from the options for each below.

Writing Sample (choose from below) 

  • Excerpt: Excerpt from an original screenplay or prose fiction piece (5-10 pages)
  • Original Work: Original short story, article or critical studies essay examining a literary or cinematic work (play, screenplay, television series, film, etc.) (3-7 pages)
  • Treatment or Outline: Treatment or outline of a film, webisode or television series concept (3-7 pages)

Visual Sample (choose from below)

  • Visual Series: Any visual or studio art, including, but not limited to: paintings, drawings, sculptures, set designs, mixed media arts, photographs (3-10 pieces), with an accompanying description contextualizing the submission
  • Short Film: Live-action or animated fiction or non-fiction film/video (3-10 minutes in length). Applicants must describe what part they had in creating the project

Game Design Portfolio

Students submitting a Game Design portfolio for a certificate program can choose from the following:

  • Drawing Series: 3-5 drawings, paintings, cartoons, comics, conceptual illustrations, graphic renderings, storyboards, digital images, slides of 3-D models, sculptures, character designs, storyboards, 2D art and animation, 3D art and animation or other visual designs which display the applicant’s creative abilities.
  • Prototypes: 3-5 Unity prototypes, game modifications, GitHub profiles, code samples, paper game prototypes, level maps, design documents, skill trees, or system diagrams.
  • Business Plan and One Sheet: 1-3 Game business plans and marketing one-sheets.

Musical Theatre Portfolio

To apply for the 1 or 2-Year Musical Theatre Program, prospective students must submit an application and complete a mandatory audition. The audition must include two contrasting musical theatre songs, as well as one monologue from a contemporary American play. Each piece must be approximately 60-90 seconds in length. Prospective students may audition in-person, virtually or through a video submission.

Photography Portfolio

Portfolios may consist of 5-10 photographs with an accompanying description contextualizing the submission.

Producing Portfolio

Students applying for a certificate in Producing will include a writing sample. Prospective students can select from the options below.

  • Excerpt: Excerpt from an original screenplay or prose fiction piece (5-10 pages).
  • Writing Sample: Original short story, article or critical studies essay examining a literary or cinematic work (play, screenplay, television series, film, etc.) (3-7 pages).
  • Treatment or Outline: Treatment or outline of a film, webisode or television series concept (3-7 pages).

Screenwriting Portfolio

Students applying for a certificate in Screenwriting will include a writing sample. Prospective students can select from the options below.

  • Excerpt: Excerpt from an original screenplay or prose fiction piece (5-10 pages).
  • Original Work: Original short story, article or critical studies essay examining a literary or cinematic work (play, screenplay, television series, film, etc.) (3-7 pgs.)
  • Treatment: Treatment or outline of a film, webisode or television series concept (3-7 pages).