Last week was a big one in Washington, DC as President Obama gave his final State of the Union speech. And just steps away, New York Film Academy graduate George Colli was set-up to interview members of Congress for Cox Media.
President Obama went on-the-road in an effort to take his message directly to the American public. And waiting at his first stop—Baton Rouge, Louisiana—was NYFA grad Nicole Cross. Nicole is a news anchor at KNOE in Monroe, Louisiana. The station is seen is portions of three states: Arkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi; so her morning news program is called Good Morning Arklamiss.

That same day, NYFA grad Mariam Shalikashvilli, a correspondent in Georgia (the country, not the state), was covering Flag Day activities in the Georgian capital of Tblisii.
Finally, alum Emilie Olsson has begun working for Swedish public TV network SVT. SVT is the largest, and most prestigious, network in Sweden. Emilie learned how to report, shoot and edit at NYFA, and is now working as a multimedia journalist.